Saturday, October 1, 2016

How Can You Have a Fast Running Computer? Speed up Your Computer with Several Tips

A lot of things you need to do properly in order to speed up your system.
Mostly, you may need to tweak up software stored in your computer, but not to add any more. In fact, we have some tips for you that can significantly enhance your computer performance.

You need RAM properly

Windows loves RAM, and if your machine can take more, then it can often be the fastest way to speed up a computer, practically speaking. When your machine just meets the minimum requirements for the version of Windows, it is really not enough, because your machine just meets the bare minimum for a functioning system. Hence, more RAM is required in order to let the system work well. It is advice that it should be to start with at least twice as much as the minimum RAM requirements state. Surely, it will be much better as much as it can handle.
RAM is an easy solution to speed up your computer. However, it may not be addressing the underlying reason that leads to your sluggish computer performance previously.

Do you have too many programs running?

This is the top reason that a computer slows down – having too many applications and programs running in the system. You may also have a lot of software installed that has taken up your hard disk space, while the running programs will consumes RAM and occupies CPU, as well as disk and network resources.

To preventing your computer from slowly running, you should also avoid there are too many programs running on your machine at the same time.

Get rid of PUPs and other intrusive software

PUP, a potentially unwanted program, has been a trouble to computer users, as well as the intrusive software installed without users’ permission. They may come when you try to install something useful online or they just unexpected install on your web browsers. They surely have passive impact to your computer performance. Therefore, checking your computer and removing PUPs, foistware, drive-bys, toolbars, and other annoying things you never wanted, are the important steps to help you figure out the causes that lead to slow PC speed.

Auto-start is not always necessary

A lot of programs now will configure itself to have the capability to automatically run at Windows startup, whether you like them or not. But it means, the auto startup programs are typically always running, stealing resources like CPU and RAM away. So, there is no doubt that you will encounter slow computer performance from the moment you begin to boot up your Windows.

You need to change some bad habits

What’s that, you may ask. Well, if your computer becomes slower and slower, it’s very possible that you might be contributing to its performance issues. Let’s have a closer look at this point. Do you always run too many programs at once or at the same time? Be aware that this can lead to more requirements to system resources that your system actually cannot afford. So, you are recommended to do one thing at a time.

1) When you have finished on using a program, please shut it down. (File->Exit or ALT+F4 or other approaches that can exit the program.)

2) Do not open to many browser tabs simultaneously. Just close them if you thing you have done things on the webpages. Otherwise, it always cause non-response or very slow online surfing speed.

It’s best to have a solid state drive

SSDs or Solid State Drives have come down to a price level and they don’t have the same capacity as their traditional spinning platter brethren; they typically have more than enough space to act as a replacement drive for most machines. SSDs increase system speed simply because it can read faster. Due to the faster write speed at reading data, SSDs are significantly and noticeably faster.

The process for switching to a SSD is the same as for simply replacing your hard drive with another:

  • Please first create an image backup of your hard disk.
  • Physically replace the hard disk with the SSD.
  • Restore the image backup of your hard disk to the SSD.
  • Make any final adjustments, such as adjusting partition sizes

Surely, there are some other approaches that you can speed up your computer speed and increase your system’s performance: defragment your hard disk(s), clear your browser cache, consider using a lower resolution, or a lower color depth for your monitor, consider using a plain color instead of a picture for your desktop.

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